Keyword Research

Since optimizing a website for every conceivable relevant keyword phrase is prohibitively expensive, selecting the right keywords makes the difference.
Our website keyword research and analysis process, developed over years, has achieved top results for clients in a wide range of competitive B2B and B2C niches.
Our Effective SEO Keyword Research Services Set You Up for Success

Focus on Lead Generation

Companies invest in keyword research for SEO to generate sales leads and revenue, and that is precisely where our focus is. Whether it’s a survey of the most popular terms or long tail keyword research, we select keywords based on their probability of attracting attention from good prospective customers.

Your Input Matters

We welcome your input on keyword research and analysis! The knowledge you have of your industry and customer base is invaluable to identify search terms that attract leads, and eliminate ones that don’t. We’ve learned a collaborative approach gives you an edge over hands-off competitors!

Experience & Expertise

Our full-time, in-house SEO team understands the many nuances of competitive keyword research. Today, as one of the largest middle-market SEO agencies in the U.S., we have keyword research projects underway day-in and day-out.

How Our SEO Keyword Research Services Work

Our approach begins by capturing all potentially relevant keyword phrases, and then, through application of a variety of filters, whittling down that keyword universe to a final set of target keywords calculated to provide the biggest return. Factors we consider include:

  • Target Audience Demographics.Understanding the characteristics and search behaviors of your target audience(s) is important for selecting keywords that attract the attention of highly qualified prospects.
  • Competitive Keyword Research. Sometimes, the smaller volume phrase is more promising. A smaller competitor vying for organic ranking position for a phrase being targeted by major players may not have the budget to compete.
  • Long Tail Search Terms. Long tail keyword research identifies lower volume phrases with high conversion probability and/or high conversion profitability. For instance, only a handful of users may search for a particular type of overhead crane – but if each sale represents $1 million in revenue, it would be well worth targeting.
  • Relevance. . The phrase “employee benefits seminars” may generate a lot of volume, but if a human resources outsource firm does not conduct seminars, it may not be worth targeting, since it can’t help users looking for this service and thus does not align with user intent.
  • Search Volume.A phrase generating 40,000 monthly searches is likely to be much more promising than a similar phrase generating 4,000 monthly searches.
  • Specificity. The phrase “packaging” has enormous volume, but it is too broad in meaning to attract relevant searches. In contrast, a phrase such as “buy packaging boxes” has considerably less volume but extremely high relevance and user intent strength.
  • User Location.If 35,000 of the 40,000 monthly searches for a given phrase are from international users and your company sells only in India., it is probably not worth targeting.
  • Local SEO Keyword Research.Keyword research for organizations serving local markets requires a separate methodology, and one in which we are very experienced.
