Website Audit

Our comprehensive technical and SEO Audit services will provide you with a full report of the health of your website and offer suggestions that can help you improve your online presence. This is the first step we take with any of our SEO services that we offer and is critical for getting a look at how well your website is doing from a technical and search perspective. We manually search for issues both on-site and off-site that can prevent your website from performing well in the search engines and help you with suggestions on how to rectify these issues.

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Local SEO Audit

Our local SEO audit will help identify issues that may be preventing your website from ranking well in local search results. We will review your onsite and offsite local SEO efforts.

SEO Technical Audit

Having a “web-friendly” or accessible website is critical to search engine success. We will review your website code and help you address issues that are causing search engines to have trouble crawling your website.

SEO Content Audit

Our content audit will identify any relevancy issues that may be causing Google confusion as to what your website is about. Content issues can be reflective of poor rankings and low traffic.

SEO Link Audit

A diverse and clean back link profile can help you rank well and will give you more credibility with the search engines. Our link audit report will give you a full outline of your existing rank profile and note any issues that may exist.

Competitive Audit

By knowing how well your competition is doing you will better understand what you need to do to better improve your search ranking. Having this data will offer you insight to help prepare a SEO strategy that works to beat your competitors.

Structured Data Audit

With the increase of rich snippets results in the search engines having proper Schema markup on appropriate pages is another way you can increase your organic footprint. We will analyze your site to see if you currently are utilizing Schema properly and offer recommendations on how and where to implement this code.
